Spiritual Reboot

A Retreat for Your Soul


Are you spiritually oriented but feel a little rusty in your practices?

Do you want to deepen your trust to a higher power, as a way to stay centered in today’s world?

Are you yearning to interact with a community of fellow spiritual seekers?


Like you, we’ve had these same desires and yearnings.

Like you, our connection to the Divine has ebbed and flowed.

Like you, we’ve tried different spiritual practices, some that have stuck and some that have faded away.


Spiritual Reboot

A Virtual Retreat for the Soul

This 5-Week virtual program will support you in:

  • Strengthening your spiritual practices.

  • Connecting to like-minded souls.

  • Discovering your unique way to tap into the Divine.



Join Carol Ross and Justine Williams for a program filled with ease, grace, and delight. You will be immersed in the resonance of magic, awe, and wonder as we teach tried and true practices, share remarkable stories, and hold the container for a loving, supportive group.

Ease into fall. Go on retreat. Soothe your soul and feed your spirit. 


The Details

3 live group gatherings over Zoom, on 10/8, 10/22, and 11/5, noon-2pm ET.   Super-fun and power packed, you won’t want to miss these calls, but if you need to, the calls will be recorded.

2 partner-sharing calls during the weeks of 10/11 and 10/25.  You will be paired with fellow participants to share your spiritual practices and experiences. Be prepared for creative connections, delightful exchanges, and inspiring experiences. 


The Investment

Let’s make this easy peasy to say yes.
The retreat fee is $299.

Registration will reopen on October 15th.

Registration closes at 10pm ET on Oct 7.

Meet Your Program Leaders


Carol Ross

Carol has always been drawn to the sacred and unseen. She noticed synchronicities throughout her life, had fun with classes on cleaning auras, and even wrote about spirituality in the workplace. However, it wasn’t until she burned out in 2011 that she made a commitment to develop a spiritual life. Until then, she thought that if she just tried harder and worked smarter, life would go according to plan. Her spiritual reboot started with the humility to surrender to forces greater than herself.

For over a decade, Carol has been discovering the metaphysical and integrating spiritual practices into her daily life. This includes yoga, meditation, visualization, and forest bathing. A back injury in 2019 caused her to slow down and experience the magic of being rather than defaulting into doing. Most recently, Carol trained in Akashic Records work. She now experiences more ease, joy and beauty--a direct result of trusting that she can relax into the arms of the Divine.

As a leadership and career coach, Carol blends sacred space, meaning making, and emotional truth into a healing balm for individuals as well as groups. She lives near Boulder, Colorado with her husband and college sweetheart, Chip. Together, they delight in seeing their two millennial sons launched and thriving. Find more about Carol at StandOutAndBelong.com and EmotionallyFitLeaders.com.

Justine Williams

Justine’s introduction to spirituality was interesting, or a little shaky, depending how you choose to look at it! A loving and well-meaning grown-up had a philosophical conversation with her at a young age, suggesting there may not be a ‘God’ - something that up to that point she simply understood to be true. Justine felt a rug had been pulled out from underneath her, and whenever something challenging came up as a child or teenager, she’d pray to God that ‘he’ actually existed.

Forward many years later, and Justine has experienced magic, stillness, and laughter on her spiritual journey. She practices pausing and presence: in nature; in embodiment and breath study with Philip Shepherd, a recognized leader in the global embodiment movement; with a willingness to receive from a universal energy; and by learning to trust her intuition. She is excited to embrace and explore this in community with others.

An accredited leadership coach, Justine brings empathy, insight, and challenge to her coaching relationships, encouraging her clients to trust their inner wisdom and be open to the whispers. She lives in the U.K. with her partner Paul, his two lovely boys, and their puppy, Harry. Find more about Justine at LinkedIn.
Laura Bellomy


Creative in Portland, OR

I am more confident now in asking questions and not worrying about whether they are good or bad, right or wrong questions. It was validating to listen to others as they asked the same kind of questions. I felt connected. I really needed that.

Come with an open mind and heart, and be ready to LISTEN to others. I learned so much from the other participants! The sharing and community are extremely important, especially as we all try to navigate these crazy days!

Robin Glickstein


Voice Actor, Denver, CO

I gained so many new ideas and techniques to bring peace and ease to my daily life. I found a community of like-minded women who also had ideas and stories that inspired me. Everyone brought something to the table! 

I learned that I am not alone and that there are things I can do, no matter the off-centering circumstance.

I am very busy. I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to do it all – and yet, each meeting flew by. Each time we met, I walked away with a new understanding, and a practice that I can use, again and again. I am better for the time spent!




I joined Spiritual Reboot to step out of my daily grind of “must-be-productive” thinking, and allow my soul space to breathe. I found myself in a safe, sacred gathering with companions who share my spiritual take on life. I plan to stay connected with these amazing new friends.

I am a teacher. The quality of my teaching has improved. I am more confident about speaking from a place of loving trust in Spirit. My students have made greater, easier progress, and I have been attracting new students.

I am more aware of the everyday magic surrounding me. Life is more joyful for me and those whose lives I touch.

Let’s make this easy peasy to say yes.
The retreat fee is $299.

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    This program has been postponed.  We will be in touch when registration resumes.