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Safe Journey, Ilene

Ilene died on Monday, October 9, at 3:15pm MT, at her home in Bailey, Colorado.   

Full_sillyness_1I like to think that at that moment, her soul was set free, from a body that no longer could serve her wild and loving spirit.  I imagine that right now, she is giddy, dancing, and being the coyote-trickster that she is. Here’s one of my favorite pictures of me and Ilene, taken in June 2006 that captures that spirit. We were hamming it up, waiting for Ilene’s husband to set up equipment for more serious photos for the podcast.

To read more about Ilene’s passing and what her life here on earth was about, visit the Conscious Living, Conscious Leaving blog. There, you’ll also be able to leave your thoughts on how Ilene’s words and wisdom have impacted you.

Safe journey, dear friend. 

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