I learned the hard way what wholeness is, by first experiencing what it is not. In 2011, I burned out. Hit the wall. I stopped working for months.
Today, I see it as a huge gift that I had to rebuild from the ground up. It gave me a chance to reassess who I am, and what really makes me happy. I got another chance to get it right–and to experience work and life as a magical flow of unimaginable things unfolding.
What does this have to do with career integration coaching? Everything.
Because I now know that your best life comes when work is a reflection of who you are, completely. Not a sliver of you. Not a piece. But a substantial portion of who you are, so that there is a feeling of wholeness.
Most people who are changing careers don’t want a new career. They want career integration–folding more of who they are into their work. Maybe you’re one of them.
Here are some signs that career integration coaching could help you:
- You look traditional on the outside, but on the inside, you’re a rebel.
- While you have a responsible job, are respected by your colleagues, and can point to tangible business accomplishments, you also know what it feels like to be an outsider.
- Your career path has been “up and to the right”, with more serious titles, and increasing authority and pay with each move. But you are far from conventional. And you know there is more. You may have dismissed a creative pursuit as frivolous, even though it’s joyful and fascinating.
- Or your life/career has taken some twists and turns–all good, but a bit puzzling to your family and friends. That year you went to China to teach English or the sabbatical to Central America or taking up rowing, after you turned 50. You just knew you had to do it.
- You have a knack for stepping into multiple worlds, with ease. In fact, you would be bored if you didn’t. You are a boundary crosser. Think software developer by day and theater director by night. Or supply chain guru during the week and percussionist extraordinaire on the weekends. Or attorney most of the year, except when you are getting ready for that juried art show.
- You’ve always been ahead of the curve in how you think. You love TED talks. You know that you have something distinct to contribute, even if you can’t articulate it. You yearn to shake up an organization, revolutionize an industry…find your place in the world.
- You are ready to stop trying to fit in. You know it’s time to forge your own path.
Working With A Coach
For most people, moving into action feels good. The problem is that action, without the larger context, can discourage and confuse. For example, the person who jumps into social media, without knowing what they want to use it for, or how it fits into an overall plan to reach their audience, can feel like they are spinning their wheels, going from one platform to the next without clear results.
To achieve any large goal, it’s necessary to focus your energy on the right things, in the right order. This means understanding where you want to go, what’s in your way, as well as what you have to leverage.
If we determine that I can help you (and to be honest, I’m not the right resource for everyone), we’ll start with a Strategic Action Planning Session. This is a standalone session that provides a comprehensive look at:
- Where you are today–in the areas of Self-Mastery, Story, and Tribe
- Your goals and dreams
- Critical factors in closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be
By the end of this session, you’ll have clear priorities and a roadmap for moving forward toward your dreams.
From there, we might mutually agree that working together to implement the roadmap makes sense, with coaching support tailored to your needs. Or you might want to do it on your own, in which case I provide DIY resources. Or you might decide to use other professional resources, ones that I recommend and trust. I’ve seen all three happen, depending on what your situation calls for.
Getting Started: Complimentary Ideas and Insight Session
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” –Confucius
The first step is the most important. I’ve seen people tolerate work that’s drudgery and lives that are filled with meaningless busy-ness, without clear intention or purpose, not just for months, but for years. It’s heartbreaking, especially when I can see what is possible.
1 To get started, fill out the simple form below. I’ll send a few questions to answer, through my Career Snapshot.
2 You’ll complete the Career Snapshot and return it to me.
3 We’ll schedule an Ideas and Insight Session. This complimentary 30-minute phone consult is designed to point you in the right direction, with a few pieces of advice specific to your situation.
4If we determine that I can help you further, I’ll recommend a paid Strategic Action Planning Session. If not, I’ll suggest other options for moving toward your goals.
Note: There are times when I am not available to take on new clients. In this case, I will refer you to a coach who I have trained to provide the same Ideas and Insight Session and Strategy Session.
What Clients Say

The idea of seeking help from a career coach was intimidating. I worried that I’d been doing so many things wrong all these years.
The prep work before the Strategic Action Planning Session was interesting in itself – but how Carol wove together the pieces of information I provided was even more interesting and tremendously helpful.
Carol’s ability to listen and lead you to conclusions and new ideas is tremendously empowering. She helped me understand what my particular strengths are and how to parlay them into actions that will help me with my business.
Carol helped me see ways of reshaping what I do to better align my skills with my work. It was eye-opening and energizing (and made me wonder why I hadn’t sought her help sooner!)”
– Ingrid Sapona, www.goodwithwords.com
“Working with Carol was the most valuable experience in my professional career. Carol is extremely insightful and engaging. She helped me to be my personal best and to develop my voice. I gained valuable resources for my career development and for having a balanced life.”
Lucy Sun, Scientist and Regional Manager, Wyatt Technology

“Working with Carol was my first coaching experience. If I had known the difference it would make in my life, I would have signed up for coaching decades earlier. However,I can’t imagine that any other coach could have helped me move forward like Carol did… at least not as quickly and as deeply. From our sessions, I walked away with three huge gifts. 1. a clear picture of who I am and where I want to go. 2. action steps to rapidly move forward. 3. the confidence to believe I can, and the confidence to take those key steps every day.
Of course, the proof is in the results. It has now been two years since our work together, and my life has never been more enjoyable, productive and fulfilling. Thank YOU Carol for who you are and the wonderful work you do!”
Steve Vannoy, Founder and former CEO of Verus Global

“I started a new job that required a substantial shift in the way I worked. I needed to refine my leadership style to be effective. Working with Carol allowed me to develop a deeper confidence about how to approach a wide variety of situations. Much more valuable than any step-by-step leadership training, this confidence allows me to trust myself and find solutions to complex issues, even when I don’t have all the answers. “
Kelly Reeser, Executive Director of Education, Peak to Peak Charter School