For many years, I thought I had to do things on my own. But there's a cost to working alone. In 2011, I burned out. That experience gave me a chance to do things differently, to live differently.
Since then, I've sought out allies and collaborators. This led me to a place I never imagined--mentoring and training talented coaches to do the work that I do, in the way that I do it.
It's why this page is titled, About Us. I'm not always available to take on new clients. When that happens, you'll be introduced to another coach who I trust and respect, greatly. In other words, you'll be in good hands.
Elizabeth Lynch Phillips is one of those talented coaches who has trained with me. She has since become a friend. She shares my passion for helping misfits find their place in the world. We both work from the ground of "being", looking deeper than the circumstance to understand the whole person. It's with joy and delight that I invite you to learn more about Elizabeth, and me.

Carol Ross
Carol Ross is a coach, writer, and speaker who helps “crazy brilliant misfits” find their place in the world.
Carol worked in the nuclear power and telecom industries for nearly two decades. Along the way, she created her own position inside a 3,000 person R+D organization and experienced different work/family configurations, including working part-time and being the working spouse of a stay-at-home dad.
Carol began to find her place in the world after she realized that being competent was no longer enough. She wanted meaning. She swapped working on technical systems for working on human systems, and found her sweet spot with organizational development.
In 2002, a call came with the opportunity of a lifetime—a colleague gave her a heads up that she was being laid off. Carol went back to school to become a coach and made the transition from employee to self-employed. Since then, she has worked with thousands of professionals in over 20 countries to grow their careers.
Carol’s advice has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Whole Living. She is a graduate of Northwestern University (B.S in Chemical Engineering, M.S. in Industrial Engineering). She received her coaching certification from The Co-Active Institute in 2004 and has done advanced coaching training with Lucid Living, Newfield Networks, and The Center for Right Relationship. She is also trained as an Akashic Records practitioner.
After 30+ years in Colorado, Carol now lives in Iowa City, Iowa with her college sweetheart, Chip.

Elizabeth Lynch Phillips
Elizabeth Lynch Phillips is a former attorney and prosecutor turned coach who has traveled the path from conforming and self-sacrificing to trusting her inner voice and reclaiming her authentic self.
She had suspicions early on that she didn’t fit in among her fellow attorneys. She thought learning more and being patient would remedy the situation. However, as years passed, it became harder to tolerate working in a world where she did not belong. This dissatisfaction at work seeped into how she showed up as a mother, wife, and friend. A nagging voice within questioned the life she was living. The voice got louder until finally, she said, “Enough”.
Choosing to listen to this voice, and taking the time to discern what feels authentic, changed Elizabeth’s life. She discovered and fell in love with her true calling as a Coach.
Now, she helps professionals who feel like imposters or outsiders find a grounded sense of presence, purpose, and belonging at work. She fosters a practice of knowing that we are each “enough”-- an elusive feeling for most people.
While she coaches a number of attorneys, feeling like a misfit at work, or being dissatisfied and disappointed by one’s career isn’t limited to the legal profession. These are painful realities for leaders in all walks of professional and corporate life.
Elizabeth is a graduate of the University of Mary Washington, and the George Mason School of Law and Economics. She received her coaching certification from The Co-Active Institute in 2013, and is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coach Federation. She has continued her personal and professional growth through extensive advanced training in neuroscience and leadership presence. Elizabeth is located in Santa Fe, NM. Find out more about Elizabeth at her site,