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Question #10

As Ilene gets closer to death, her perspective becomes even more thought-provoking.

What’s it like being on the edge of a new realm, a transition?

It’s actually interesting and amazing.  I find it alluring.  I find that what brings me down is the human realm where there is a lot more worry, struggle and pain.  When I let my self, hang out on the edge of the new realm, it feels lighter, more loving with an awareness of beauty in all forms.  I find a peacefulness here that I yearn for.

I get glimpses of my soul flitting in and out.  I don’t know what she does when she’s not here, but I am aware that there is a whole soul life out there.  Without a functioning body, it is looking a lot more appealing to me. 

This other realm was not attractive or even visible to me, when I had a physically fit, athletic body.  I would have stayed here forever, where it’s so juicy, physical and thoughts seem so solid.  Where you can bump into and against things to know yourself.

“Playing here would be a great plan for the next 20 years, but I am so curious about what’s over there.  It looks a lot easier to navigate without a body.  I love you guys and I am leaving and will still love you but from a different realm.”  That’s what it looks like when I flit on the edge.

If I do more than flit on the edge and dip my toe in the deep, cool water. I see things from a perspective of great beauty, or great destruction.  I see things in terms of “what really matters most?”  I notice that everything has greater impact than it seems.  Thoughts, actions, words create energy ripples.  They reach farther than we can know. 

What it really comes down to according to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross is:  What was done to give and receive love? What service was rendered?  And what opportunities were missed?

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