I’m in a particularly creative mood this morning. This is my fourth post this morning. Helps when the kids have a "late start" day at school and we can all get ready for the day at a leisurely pace.
Seth Godin posted a "help wanted" description on his blog for a technical wizard that he was in need of. I’ve been trying to find someone to submit my articles to on-line and traditional venues. I’m looking for someone who is:
- A good researcher. Willing to look at alot of places to publish and enjoys the
learning process.
- An avid reader and likes to read my stuff. You’ll need to be familiar with my archive of articles in order to figure out a fit between what I write and what a venue is looking for.
- Discriminating. Is able to see the hexagonal fit in the hexagonal space instead of the square peg in the hexagonal space. Also not willing to settle for submitting an article to a place that publishes hundreds of other articles each week. I don’t want to be part of more clutter.
Pay is negotiable. I know that this will help me grow my business. If you are interested, suggest an article that I’ve written (see archives at www.carolrossandassociates.com/articles.shtml) with a venue that you think would be a fit. I’m not looking to get some free consulting. I want to get to know your talent and style by seeing what you would produce. Please email me directly, carol@carolrossandassociates.com.