Dramaturgy and Infomaniacs

Has it really been six months since I've posted here?  My apologies for the sporadic blogging–it's a pet peeve of mine to start something and not continue with it. While I haven't written about boundary crossing recently, the topic continues to pop up in my life. I see it with my coaching clients. Very often,…

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Back to School Time

Back-to-school time is bittersweet. Yes, we celebrate a new year, the start of the next adventure. And with a new start, there's also an ending. For weeks now, I've been reminded of endings and beginnings, of the rituals that mark the passing of time. It started about a month ago, when I attended a family…

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Sept 8, Denver Social Entrepreneurship Event

This is short notice but for those in the Denver/Boulder area, here's a great panel on social entrepreneurship, sponsored by the Rockies Venture Club. The moderator (Larry Nelson) and facilitator (Chris Pelley) are both friends and passionate entrepreneurs and one of the panelists, Beth Ann Parish, is someone I met through a social media panel…

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Interview with Wendel Bros, Part 4: The Nature of Community

In this last installment with the Wendel brothers, we look at the nature of community. How does it change the way we do business? How is community-building about depth instead of breadth? How do powerful emotions create a shared bond? Throughout these interviews, I’ve been delighted with the rich stories that both Chris and Tim…

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Creativity That Comes Through You

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the best-selling book, "Eat, Pray, Love," gave a talk at the TED conference this year about adopting a new mindset on creativity, one that doesn't give full credit or blame to an individual, but to a greater force. Call it the Divine, God, Muse, whatever. The point is that creativity is…

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