Not Jumping Into 2009

This has been a different kind of start to the new year for me. Maybe it's been that way for you as well. Photo by MacJewell I'm not ready to jump into 2009. I groan when I see the New Year's resolutions that my friends are sending me and the workshops marketed by my colleagues…

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Rest and Renewal

I realized this week that work never seems to end if the laptop is open. A little meditation, a little yoga, and two fairy cards later (with titles of "Kick Up Your Heels" and "Peace of Mind,") led me to the following conclusion: I need to get off the grid. It's time for both renewing…

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Christmas Eve, 2008

It's 4pm, on Christmas Eve. I have candles burning brightly in my office and a poinsettia plant on my desk. For all living things, there is a time for renewal and rest, before sowing the seeds for the next harvest.  That's what we'll be doing here at A Bigger Voice, resting, before the year starts…

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The Real Value of Christmas Cards

Have Christmas cards become obsolete? With e-cards that provide a multimedia experience and scrapbooking services that allow for customized slide shows, sending a card through the mail seems almost quaint. Since my college days, I've considered that Christmas cards were an excuse to reflect on the last year and catch up with friends who I…

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What Pears and Rod Blagojevich Have In Common

I cut up two pears, expecting to mix them with cottage cheese for a light lunch. From the outside, they both looked to be a day or two past their prime, with brown spots dotting the yellow skin. When I sliced into the first pear, it was as I expected–white flesh at the center, with…

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