Love Grove

I am part of a love grove. No, that’s not a new type of psychedelic. Nor is it a New Age thing. A love grove is a healthy community, where members are committed to a path of healing and deeply rooted in love and compassion. They are generous with exquisite listening and invested in the well-being of…

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Mom Tried To Tell Me This 25 Years Ago

Several years ago, I was in a personal development course, where I heard something that seemed so outlandish that I dismissed it. What I heard was that one of our purposes for being on Earth was to learn how to have fun. It seemed so frivolous, so unserious, so…not me. It was like the Tina…

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I Never Thought I Would…

A friend, Terry, emailed me today about collaborating on project around story-telling. Story has been in my wheelhouse for awhile, from the time that I started blogging in 2005 and writing personal essays about raising kids and being self-employed to running “brand story” workshops to guiding clients on telling a compelling narrative on their LinkedIn…

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Hello, My Beautiful Heart

Today is Valentine’s Day, a day when we focus attention on those we love. I woke up this morning tuning into my heart and felt the love…for my heart.   Hello My Beautiful Heart, Thank you for sweet sadness and weeping, while listening to a podcast about loss and grief during yesterday’s walk. Thank you…

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A Magical Night in Iowa

This week, I participated in my first Iowa caucus. I was both curious and excited to be part of a process that felt uniquely Iowan—down to earth, respectful, and straightforward. I would be sitting with my neighbors and hearing about the candidates. I have been an independent all of my life, but decided to register…

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