Always Ask–And Answer–These Two Questions

[Full disclosure:  I applied, and was selected, to be on the unpaid launch team for the book, To Sell is Human. I am one of 96 team members across the globe who got advance copies of the book, as well as the "first mover package" that comes with pre-ordering the book. My review below is…

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How Leaders Inspire Followers

Leaders who impact me most are the ones who are comfortable in their own skin.  This is not the same as charisma.  Nor is it the same as being authoritative. (Although you can have both and be comfortable in your own skin as well.) It is that feeling of transparency, authenticity, realness–being one of us…

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What’s Your Story?

"What you give to others, you cannot give to yourself." Those were the words spoken by Pamela Slim and Charlie Gilkey at the Lift Off retreat, a workshop for entrepreneurs that I recently attended. It puzzled me. Over the course of four days with a remarkable group of bright, creative minds, I understood what they…

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What’s Your Backstory?

Back story sells. People want the inside scoop. The why and how, not just the what.  I was talking with a woman who built a thriving graphic design business of twenty employees and then sold it.  In fact, she's sold two businesses. She started a new career in health care, working as a physician administrator.…

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Career and Workplace Advice from Dan Pink

I'm always thrilled when I can engage with bright minds on topics that I'm passionate about.  In this interview with Dan Pink, we talk about core lessons for navigating a successful career from his book, The Adventures of Johnny Bunko, including knowing who you are, playing to your strengths, being persistent and being of service…

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