Playing the Long Game

It was another first for me. I watched a press conference for the introduction of a new head coach. I’ve gone into the deep end of sports fan geekdom. My husband says this is how I must feel when he watches obscure golf videos. For those of you who are not into women’s basketball, the…

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How to Prepare for a Big Day

You know the feeling. It’s something that’s been on your calendar and taking up mindshare. Maybe it’s a big presentation at work that’s anxiety inducing, or a highly anticipated vacation away, or a medical procedure that you are dreading. How do you prepare when faced with a situation that feels uncertain and significant? In the…

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Always Ask–And Answer–These Two Questions

[Full disclosure:  I applied, and was selected, to be on the unpaid launch team for the book, To Sell is Human. I am one of 96 team members across the globe who got advance copies of the book, as well as the "first mover package" that comes with pre-ordering the book. My review below is…

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Summer Solstice Virtual Party on June 20

Every year, in honor of the longest day of the year, a friend throws a Summer Solstice party.  It’s a wonderful reason to get together—a backyard celebration with food, music, and good conversation.   And now, in a digital world, where friends can be across the globe, it’s a little harder to gather.  But let’s try…

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Being Well-Used

This morning I had a phone conversation with a college friend.  It's been decades since we lived down the hall from each other in the dorm. Both of our careers have evolved in ways that we couldn't have imagined when we were 18 years old. I was calling my friend to get advice on the…

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