I'm convinced that the juiciest jobs are ones at the intersection of multiple worlds.
In a recent Wall Street Journal article, "Help Wanted: Creative Types", advertising agencies report difficulty in filling the top job, chief creative officer. Photo by Andreanna Moya Photography.
Why? A few quotes from the article:
""We are dealing with a massive convergence of trends that have been building for some time," says John Seifert, CEO of Ogilvy North America. "The youth agenda and technological changes are just so dramatic that you have this extraordinary swing.""
"….the bigger priority is finding someone who can break down walls that exist inside firms and get people with different skills to work together."
"The lack of seasoned executives with both digital know-how and the knack for molding a cohesive creative team has caused some ad chiefs to extend their searches outside the ad business….They say they are looking to other industries such as film design and technology for new types of creative thinking." Photo by CPX Interactive
Boundary crossers not only inhabit multiple worlds. They know how to take the best of multiple worlds to come up with something bigger and better.