How Writing About What Bugs Me Garnered 19,000+ Views

My big lesson this week: Write about what really bugs you. And then solve a problem for others. Photo by jjpacres
Last fall, I was frustrated by how I saw people were using LinkedIn endorsements–without much thought, and creating more noise than impact. I pitched the idea of an article to the editor at, who I had done work for earlier in the year.
The article, “How to Make the Most of LinkedIn Endorsements”, was published last week on Five days ago, the editor put the article on the NextAvenue blog for Since then it’s gotten over 19,000 views!
When I asked the editor why this particular post had gotten so many views, he replied, “I think you hit a nerve, because many people are puzzled about LinkedIn Endorsements.”
I remarked that other media outlets had already written about this topic, and that it was satisfying to add value, in spite of coverage elsewhere. What I heard from the editor pointed to what readers value–receiving concrete suggestions on what to do and why, rather than just resonating with a problem. Simple, but often overlooked.
This article is not my favorite writing or one that represents my best work, but it solves a problem that others have. As an entrepreneur (social or otherwise), it can be easy to focus on a zillion other things that must get done or look interesting to pursue. Going forward, I hope I can remember what really matters–being of service.