Akashic Records Session

In this one-on-one virtual session, you’ll get new insights as well as confirmation on those niggling feelings that you haven’t trusted, sometimes for years. 

Discover the power of prayer and other practices to shift stuck energy, connect to your best self, and answer your biggest questions.

woman walking on pathway during daytime

When you connect to the energy of pure love, miracles happen. Clients have experienced:

  • Harmony in previously contentious relationships
  • A sense of peace replacing anxiety and concern for loved ones
  • Confidence in making big decisions
  • Confusion and doubt dissolving in favor of clarity of their soul’s purpose and understanding of the twists and turns of their soul’s journey
  • Trustworthy guidance on moving forward with business ventures
  • Release of long held guilt and grief

Sessions are 60 minutes long at a rate of $350 per session. 

Ready to schedule a session? 

Click here to get started.

What others are saying

Head shot 11-2014

I experienced an Akashic Record session after the sudden death of both of my parents. Carol, in partnership with the Akashic Record Keepers, shared clear and razor sharp insights about my parents and extended family that allowed me to exhale and relax for the first time in months.

The session enabled me to see myself and loved ones honestly and appreciate all of my life with renewed compassion and love. Carol empowered me to accept my family just as they are and unapologetically stand for myself at the same time.

It is rare to receive an Akashic Record session with this quality of power. Carol is the real deal!

Jenn Parish, Intuitive and Spiritual Coach

The Akashic Record session offers a whole hour just for you! I gained a wonderful perspective of myself, which I could not have arrived at on my own, even through meditation. It was a gift.

The session was a channeling of spiritual energies in the form of very beautiful, meaningful images. These images will stay with me and resonate into my future--a creative fountain that will energize and replenish my life!

Joanna, Educator in Nunavik, Quebec, Canada

Not sure if this is for you? I get it.

To learn more about Akashic Records work, read this excellent article, written for the skeptic in all of us.

Or read the words below from the wonderful soul who trained me in this work, Brynne Dippell.

(Click here to find out more about Brynne and if you feel called to book a session with her, all the better.)

The Akashic Records are an energetic imprint of every thought, feeling, and experience that has ever occurred in time and space. They contain the entire history of your soul, as well as every aspect of who you are now and what you may be in the future. The energy that makes up the Akashic Records is the energy of Love.

The Records contain a divine truth, one that guides us in choosing grace in all things. This allows us to release any misconceptions that we are separate from God/Spirit/Source.

They help us recall our Oneness with the Universe and with every being within it, and to create, through our intent, whatever we desire.

Your personal Akashic Record contains every piece of information regarding your soul’s experience – every thought, feeling, and action that has ever occurred in time and space.

You can discover truths about your relationships, your physical well-being, your soul journey, and more. It encompasses every conceivable topic regarding you and your life’s path.

And, because the information in the Akashic Records is held in the energy of love, the answers you receive offer guidance, hopefulness, and deep empowerment. This information allows you to understand the truth of your life and the possibilities it offers.

Brynne Dippell

Sessions are 60 minutes long at a rate of $350 per session. 

Ready to schedule a session? 

Click here to get started.

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New Beginnings

Choosing Love