Brains on Fire: Interview With Spike Jones
Brains on Fire is a brand identity and marketing company that drew my attention with these words on their home page: “Brains on Fire helps organizations build movements.”
When was the last time you heard a for-profit company talk about building a movement? Love it. That led to a more poking around on their site, a tweet about the company, followed by a series of email exchanges between myself and Spike Jones, BOF’s Chief Firestarter.
I discovered a company that not only understands the nature of communities and movements, but also knows how to create remarkable relationships with fans/kindred spirits. Nurturing your evangelists or “1000 true fans” is not something I’ve spent much time talking about on this blog. It’s one of the reasons I got so interested in Brains on Fire.
“Be famous for the people who love you and for the way you love them.”
–Greg Cordell, Principal at Brains on Fire
It’s notable that Spike found me. I tweeted about the company and then he initiated a conversation. He later asked for a snail mail address to send a thank you for the tweet. This was not just over the top. It was remarkable. And it further intrigued me. Who are these guys anyway?
I asked Spike if he’d like to be interviewed for this blog and he graciously said yes. I’ll talk more about my experience with Brains on Fire, as a new fan, at the end of this three-part blog interview.
For now, enjoy Part 1, where Spike talks about Brains on Fire as a company, and what they believe in as a collective organization. Part 1 is approximately 13 minutes long.
Photo of Spike Jones by Olivier Blanchard.
Stay tuned for Part 2, when Spike talks about the importance of offline gatherings to build connections and the use of online means to provide a reason for meeting face-to-face.