Playing the Long Game

It was another first for me. I watched a press conference for the introduction of a new head coach. I’ve gone into the deep end of sports fan geekdom. My husband says this is how I must feel when he watches obscure golf videos. For those of you who are not into women’s basketball, the…

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A Magical Night in Iowa

This week, I participated in my first Iowa caucus. I was both curious and excited to be part of a process that felt uniquely Iowan—down to earth, respectful, and straightforward. I would be sitting with my neighbors and hearing about the candidates. I have been an independent all of my life, but decided to register…

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How Friday the 13th Became Boulder’s 9/11

In just 5 days, Boulder County, where I live, received over 14 inches of rain.  I’ve heard that’s more than 75% of the typical annual rainfall for this area. What started out as a blessing from a late summer heat wave turned into what some have described as an apocalypse. On the first day, rain…

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Summer Solstice Virtual Party on June 20

Every year, in honor of the longest day of the year, a friend throws a Summer Solstice party.  It’s a wonderful reason to get together—a backyard celebration with food, music, and good conversation.   And now, in a digital world, where friends can be across the globe, it’s a little harder to gather.  But let’s try…

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5 Tips for Starting the New Year

I love the start of things, including a new year.  The feeling of a clean slate and a sense of possibility are exciting. Photo by Robotclaw666. Here are my top 5 tips for starting off on the right foot: Set your intentions for the new year. Several years ago, I came up with Six Questions…

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