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How God Shows Up

I was talking with a friend last week and he talked about moving into a new house and how strange things were happening–like dishwashers filling with water when no one had turned it on (could be a leaky pipe but I didn’t want to spoil the intrigue….) Then he joked that maybe the house was haunted and that he would like to see a ghost. When I asked why, he replied, "Then I’ll know God exists."  I couldn’t quite make the connection, but for him, anything in the spirit world is a sign of god. 

Which got me to thinking, "How do I know that God exists?" What signs tell me there is a god? 

God (or the Universe or whatever you want to call a higher force) shows up not in the supernatural but in the mundane, everyday experience.

God is that inkling of where a lost birth certificate might be after looking throughout the house. God is in ringing of the phone from a friend I was just thinking about.

God is in the beauty of the roses in my backyard and in the feeling that I’m truly blessed. 

When connections appear magically, without effort, between people and events (often referred to as synchronicity), that’s God showing up.  And when I blurt out a truth that I didn’t know was inside of me, I think that could only have come from the Divine. The stuff that I don’t know where it comes from but it serves a purpose, I attribute to the Universe, the Divine, God. It may be a hard lesson, a joyous moment, or a darkness that seems impenetrable.

To borrow Oprah’s phrase of "What I know to be true", what I know to be true is that God is everywhere.

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