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100 Days and 5 Minutes To Spread Beauty Across the Miles

Stunning flower

I wandered into a treasure trove of beauty today, when I went to this fine art photographer's site, davidleaser.com, and found stunning pictures of flowers.  The best part is that he makes his photographs available as free e-cards! 100 spectacular visuals of exquisite flowers with names like Peruvean Dancer and Pretty Much Picasso and Solar Flare, with a few scenes of Hawaiian landscapes thrown in for good measure. Note: The photo above is not one by David Leaser, but is indicative of the style and visual impact of his work.  The photo above is by firepile.

I immediately sent an e-card to a dear friend who I had coffee with yesterday, to thank her for her wisdom, witnessing, and kinship. We had a 90-minute heart-to-heart talk that left me feeling filled up and grateful for her friendship.

So here's a gift and a challenge:

  • For the next 100 days, pick one person in your life to be the recipient of a David Leaser e-card.
  • Tell the recipient why you thought of them for this e-card. 

This should take all of 5 minutes each day.

Don't forget to savor every moment of the process–from picking one gem out of the 100 e-cards, to thinking of why the recipient comes to mind, to writing a few heartfelt words.

Post your comments here and let's see what we create, together!

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