Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

This has been a hard year, one of the most difficult personally and professionally, since I started my business nearly 9 years ago. Others I've talked to have had a hard year as well. The irony is that I'm more...

What All the Money in the World Can’t Buy
Q: What can take months, even years, to achieve, less than a minute to lose, can hit like a bulldozer when you don't have it and is worth more than gold when you do have it? A: Trust. Photo by...

Not More, But Deeper
We are conditioned to want more. More fans. More revenue. More customers. More, just more. And recently, I've been pondering the idea of not more, but deeper. What if I've been chasing the wrong thing? What if satisfaction and happiness...

Letting Go, Part 2
This is nothing more gut wrenching for me than letting go of my offspring, and trusting that they will find their way in the world. I did that this past August, when my son left for Dallas to attend college. ...

Who Were You in High School?
In doing research for a blog post (really!) I was looking at my high school yearbook. Like all great adventures, I didn't find what I was looking for, but I found something else that was just as valuable, if not...

More on Failure
Over the last few months, I've been researching failure. It's my nature to learn about what I'm experiencing. So when I felt like I had failed this past summer in making a profitable business out of My Alumni Link, I...

Raised to be an Entrepreneur
I was not raised to be an entrepreneur. I never imagined myself an entrpreneur. Yet I ended up as one. After watching the following video of Cameron Herold, talking about how we can raise kids to be entrepreneurs, it makes...

First snow of the year always makes for an interesting picture. Here's a photo of a crabapple tree in my front yard. It doesn't know whether it's fall or winter. It's both!

What Was I Thinking?
My friend and one-time writing coach, Deb Cooperman, recently challenged me to blog about the half-written blog posts that I've let lay fallow, sometimes for over a year. To which I replied on Twitter, "The gauntlet has been thrown down!" ...