Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Biggest Mistakes Made By Wisdom Entrepreneurs
I've been blogging about wisdom entrepreneurs and the path to A Bigger Voice since late 2007. I've talked to lots of experts, did a pilot with four wisdom entrepreneurs, had numerous conversations with kindred spirits, and helped many attempting to...

Creating Crap 80% of the Time
I love this video of Ira Glass, host of This American Life, talking about how your best work comes from doing your craft over and over. 20% will be great work and 80% will be crap. The 20% will make...

Resonate, Lessons From the Grateful Dead, and the Disease of Entrepreneurship
Over the last few years, this blog has expanded to talk about entrepreneurship in general, beyond being a social entrepreneur or wisdom entrepreneur. The concepts of story-telling and community-building apply to entrepreneurship in general, especially these days. More importantly, the...

When It’s Time to Fire Yourself
A study by consulting firm, BlessingWhite showed that just 31% of employees are engaged at work. That leaves a boat load of people who don’t want to be at work. My experience is that a majority of professionals hang on...

A Place of No Answers
In our everyday life, we yearn for answers. A solution to a sticky relationship problem, a confirmation that a project will be completed on time, a knowing that the new hire will work out, a tip on where to find...

On Being a Writer
I have been writing for the last eight years, ever since I left my last corporate job and went off on my own. I found out quickly that to be a good writer, I needed to do three things: Read...

On Being Fifty: Lost in the Wilderness
I am trying to make peace with being fifty years old. When I turned fifty last May, I moved into a new Nielsen demographic, as if I was suddenly a less avid viewer, more resistant to buying certain products, and...

What an Entrepreneur Looks Like, Part 3
In the first posting of this series, a sixth-grader showed us how the mind of an entrepreneur works--imaginative, customer-oriented, and opportunistic (in a good way). In the second posting, we saw how one Millenial uses his resourcefulness, curiosity, and team-oriented...

Boundary Crosser in Action
Boundary Crosser in Action: Julio Ottino, watch these videos for an nice summary of what boundary crossers can see that others can't see, http://bit.ly/mOrf2f