Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Lessons Learned From Being Fried, Part 2
This is the second installment of a two-part series on burn out. In the first installment, I talked about making the decision to step away from my start-up, My Alumni Link, for three months. I went through a period where...

What An Entrepreneur Looks Like, Part 2
This is the second in a three-part series of postings about entrepreneurs I've met this year. Alex White is 24 years old, a recent graduate of Northwestern University's School of Education and Social Policy (SESP). I interviewed Alex and his...

Making Meaning of It All
The 10th anniversary of 9/11 has given a collective pause to our fast forward society. The reflections range from the scope of the tragedy and how it changed the world to whether we are any safer today to individual recollections...

What an Entrepreneur Looks Like, Part 1
Lately, I've been thinking and writing about entrepreneurship. Not so much in terms of how I define wisdom entrepreneurs in this blog, but in terms of individuals taking the journey of building something from nothing, to meet a need. ...

Lessons Learned From Being Fried, Part 1
This past summer, I "hit the wall" and decided to take time off. I gave myself one month to rejuvenate. I fully intended to return to work to a full slate of business appointments and projects that had been waiting...

Why America Needs More Immigrants
In this Wall Street Journal article, the author makes the case for why educated professionals who come from other countries (yes, these definitely would be boundary crossers) help keep our economy healthy. Photo by ElvertBarnes. Key points: Immigrants make up...

Notable and Quotable from an Engineer/Artist
Love this quote from Julio Ottino, Dean of the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science at Northwestern University: "I believe that finding new things requires a prepared mind, and a prepared mind is being aware, consciously or not, of...

Great HBR article on when it comes to your network, bigger is not better. Instead, *bridging* is better. http://bit.ly/qYOBkK

Digital Breadcrumbs for Your Dreams
When I originally started this blog in 2008, new ways of spreading ideas were still in its infancy. Twitter was largely the domain of early adopters. While blogs had become mainstream, online video had not yet become a pervasive tool...