Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

December is Meltdown Month
Several years ago, I was getting ready to go to my brother's annual Christmas party. It's more than just an intimate gathering and includes friends, family, colleagues, neighbors of my brother and sister-in-law. Since starting my coaching practice, I had...

Is Your Soul Starved? Look for a Different Kind of Feast
Two days after Thanksgiving, and I'm still sated. Not from a big turkey dinner (although I had plenty of turkey, mashed potatoes, yams, ribs, green bean casserole, cranberry relish, and pie at our extended family gathering.) No, I'm feeling the...

Twelve Dollars and Lots of Gratitude
Today is Thanksgiving, a holiday in the U.S. that brings to mind fussed over meals with too many side dishes that leave one feeling bloated and television commercials showing why it's good to make that trip to your local retailer...

"Full-time, home-based freelancers and independent contractors in the U.S. are expected to increase by 200K workers by end of 2009. " http://tiny.cc/56Rfj

For Dan Pink fans: Free webinar 12/16 with Dan Pink, talking about his newest book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, http://tiny.cc/KG8WO

Why “The Dip” is an Enterpreneur’s Best Friend
While I've been absent from this blog over the last month, I've been very present to The Dip. What is The Dip? It's the name of a book by Seth Godin, with the subtitle, "A Little Book That Teaches You...

Wisdom Entrepreneurs in the Field
"How do I get started?" Many people have told me how much they like the ideas presented with A Bigger Voice. My theory is that once individuals achieve a level of competence in their careers, gotten that promotion, created a...

Do You Have a Personal Board of Directors?
This is a concept I had been mulling for years. Until one day, I realized I already had a personal board of directors. The light bulb went off when I read a WSJ article, on eight tips for setting up...

Why Stories Are So Important
"Sharing stories is the way to create a network of passionate supporters that can help spread ideas and make them a reality." --Saul KaplanI came across Kaplan's blog post, "Stories Can Change The World," when he followed me on Twitter....

From Plasma Physics to Wall Street
A Wall Street Journal article, "Physicist Makes "Big Bang" at Citi". Hamid Biglari's career highlights range from improving the efficiency of a fusion reactor to leading McKinsey's investment banking practice to helping restructure the financial services company, Citi, after one...