Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

The Discomfort of Boundary Crossing
I did some boundary crossing yesterday, in person. I attended a networking event, a once a month luncheon with lots of suits--literally a sea of Baby Boomers in gray suits, who work in or service clients in Corporate America. The...

Thin Air Summit
Simon just told about an event in Denver, Nov 7-9 to learn about social media, the Thin Air Summit, billed as "A New Media Conference in the Mile High City." The keynote speakers are Dave Taylor and Jeremiah Owyang, who...

Sackbut Serenade
When was the last time you heard a sackbut? Say what? Don't worry. I'm not getting personal here. A sackbut is the precursor to the modern trombone. And if you are curious as to what it sounds like, you're in...

Case Study: CarePages and Instant Communities
A friend who I had not heard from since last year recently sent me an invitation to CarePages, an "online community of millions of people coming together to share the challenges, hopes and triumphs of anyone facing a life-changing health event." The...

The Ugly Truth About Coaching Businesses
I talked today to a friend who I met several years ago, as members of an association for professional coaches. While the national association is going strong, our local chapter disbanded a few years ago. We reminisced about coaches we...

The Ugly Truth About Coaching Businesses
I talked today to a friend who I met several years ago, as members of an association for professional coaches. While the national association is going strong, our local chapter disbanded a few years ago. We reminisced about coaches we...

Lessons from Traverse City
It's been over a week since I had a conversation about social entrepreneurship with twenty like-minded individuals in Traverse City, Michigan--people who believe in the idea of "doing well and doing good." What I took away from that experience: Lesson...

Working Among the Lego Aliens
It's been almost two weeks since my computer died--a victim of my eagerness to "get it done." I was notified that a new Microsoft Service Pack was ready for installation. This was an hour before leaving on a business trip...

Biggest Mistake Made By Event Organizers, Concert Producers, and Corporate Trainers
I've been obsessed recently by the words, front end and back end. Front end is the focus of traditional publicists and marketing professionals, conference organizers and producers of musical events, and workplace trainers. They focus on visibility, the Big Splash,...