Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Write a Poem Today
I recently read an article about Anne Porter, a 95-year-old poet who published her first volume of poetry when she was 83 years old. She writes about what it's like to be old, as in this verse from "Old in...

Stories That Move Us Into Action
Okay, I know I’ve been on this kick of talking about evidence of a whole new mind (the integration of right-brain and left-brain thinking) in the business world. One more example, and then I’ll get off my soap box (until...

Genius in Today’s Business World
Liz Claiborne recently named a new CEO. This was notable because the new head of a fashion company was picked from an entirely different industry—the pharmaceutical giant, Johnson and Johnson. William McComb is his name. I scanned the article in...

Let It Rip
I just returned from the International Coach Federation annual conference, where I was a presenter on LEGO SERIOUS PLAY with my colleague, Robert Rasmussen. Robert and I had a great time, seeing coaches play, learn, and realize the potential for...

My sister is twelve years older than me. The last time we lived in the same town was nearly 40 years ago, when I shared a bedroom with her. She went away to college when I was six. For over...

Talent Wars, circa 2006
I’m seeing more examples of how the book, A WHOLE NEW MIND, applies to the business world. Last week, the Wall Street Journal had an article with the title, “Wanted: Online-Media Expertise.” Ad agencies have plenty of people with creative...

Mutant Man
Halloween is tomorrow. My 13-year old has decided he doesn’t need to work so hard to get candy. He stays in and gets the leftovers without stepping outside of the house. (Ahhhh, if work could be as easy!) My 11-year...

Ten Minutes, Two Worlds
Note: The folllowing post was written in June 2006. For some reason, I was reluctant to publish it at that time. Now, it seems perfectly appropriate. So here it is. I have been wondering how our life experiences can be...

Double Takes
Two things caused me to do a double take recently. Here's the first one: It's a bottle of Evian water in a hotel room, selling for $5. Yes, that's right, five bucks. It made me wonder what the mini-bar prices...