Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Question #11
This is the last Q+A that Ilene sent me, less than two weeks before she died. Typically, she would wait for me to email her a question and then she would email her reply. She found it easier to answer...

Nora, The Woodland Fairy
My five-year old niece came to visit me recently. Her parents had taken her to the opening of a new mall in Boulder and as part of the celebration, they had face painting for the kids. Nora was so excited...

Radio Collars
During a coaching session, a client stopped to yell at her dog, who had left the allowable range of his radio collar and chased after a squirrel. The threat of a zap from the collar had not deterred him from...

An Extraordinary Life
The following is an article, entitled "An Extraordinary Life," written nearly two years ago. The opening paragraphs were based on an experience with my friend, Ilene Kouzel, who died this week. “I just want it to be over.” The words...

Safe Journey, Ilene
Ilene died on Monday, October 9, at 3:15pm MT, at her home in Bailey, Colorado. I like to think that at that moment, her soul was set free, from a body that no longer could serve her wild and...

Question #10
As Ilene gets closer to death, her perspective becomes even more thought-provoking. What’s it like being on the edge of a new realm, a transition? It’s actually interesting and amazing. I find it alluring. I find that what brings me...

How God Shows Up
I was talking with a friend last week and he talked about moving into a new house and how strange things were happening--like dishwashers filling with water when no one had turned it on (could be a leaky pipe but...

Me and My iPod
I've been doing a lot of traveling this fall--family wedding, client gigs, training, conference--and one of the joys I've discovered is having an iPod while on the road. I've taken a liking to listening to Norah Jones' CD, Feels Like...

Baroque Chamber Orchestra of Colorado
An update from my last post on the Baroque Chamber Orchestra of Colorado, co-lead by my friend, Frank Nowell. The BCOC recently started their second season and the Rocky Mountain News had a glowing review of their concert this past...