Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

More on 360Reach
I recently wrote about some of the results of using the personal branding tool, 360 Reach. What I forgot to say was that the most common attributes that people associated with me (out of more than 60 different attributes listed)...

Laundry Lessons
My 11-year old son recently returned from a week-long camp. It was his first time away from home for more than a few days and the camp had made a packing list that essentially emptied out his drawers. While I...

Question #6
Ilene answers another question about Conscious Living: What things, practices, exercises, actions can we do to approach consciousness in our daily lives? First my disclaimer, these are things I have tried and found helpful. I don’t claim they necessarily work...

How To Make a Teenage Girl Happy
Last month, my teenage nieces (ages 14, 14, and 12) were at my house for Fourth of July. Their mother was out of town and their father wanted to make their nightly call since she had been away. I offered...

Little Black Boxes
I got an iPod nano last weekend. I saved the black box it came in. I've been talking up the book, A WHOLE NEW MIND for the last nine months and this weekend, I experienced fully what it means to...

Creative Expression and Blogging
An interesting report on bloggers and their habits was recently issued from the Pew Internet and American Life Project. Main reason bloggers blog? Creative expression and sharing of personal experiences. This is an important point. It confirms my suspicion that...

Great Work
In January 2006, I wrote a posting about the difference between good work and great work. I found definitions of the two from a coaching colleague, Michael Bungay Stanier, who found it from someplace else. (I suppose that’s the way...

Question #5
The following set of questions for Ilene comes from an email that I recently received from a reader of this blog. Have you had any enlightening experiences or thoughts about God or what comes next? Do you see yourself...

Question #4
Here's the next set of Q+A from Ilene: What have you learned about yourself from this experience? I am stronger and more lovable than I ever imagined. I am much more than what I do. I have a great capacity...