Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

The Real Reason I Podcast
I carpool with another family for school pickup and dropoff. I usually have the morning shift. I pick up three boys, ages 11, 13, and 14, friends of my sons’. The oldest kid sits in the passenger seat next to...

Looking for Good Ideas in New Places
I’m chuckling this morning. I just received an email with the subject line, “How and Why Women Test You.” Despite what you might think, this is not spam. I actually signed up to get this email at a website designed...

Easy, With Impact
I just got off the phone with a coaching client, Mary. She was a Division I collegiate tennis player, on scholarship, many years ago and still plays today. Recently Mary hit balls with one of her husband's clients, giving him...

Live Action Coaching
I'm excited to announce that I've entered the world of podcasting! Each month, you'll hear me coach a different volunteer client on Live Action Coaching. Listen in as we explore real life issues, from rejuvenating a stalled career to taking...

Update on Sacred Work
I have been surprised and touched by the responses from my email to solicit questions around Consciously Being and Consciously Leaving. Here are some highlights: Close to 70 people contacted me. Over 25% of the responses came from people I...

Sacred Work
After a few weeks of not blogging, I'm feeling the urge to write again. I've been working on a special project for the last few weeks. I emailed the following to the distribution list for my monthly ezine (if you...

Blog Makeover
You may have noticed a new look and feel to this blog. I've undergone a "blog makeover' or more accurately, evolved to Version 2 of my blog. My thanks to Sandra De Freitas, known as The Coach's Tech Coach, for...

More Questions Than Answers
I recently finished the novel, The Five People You Meet in Heaven. I had seen it in a bookshop in Moab and then found it at my local library when I got home. It’s a quick read. I started it...

Okay, one last post for tonight before I call it quits. Last week, I wrote my 100th blog post. One hundred inklings, ideas, inspirations explored and documented in black and white. It's been a quick road to get here, because...