Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

It’s Never Our Intention…..
"Please know that it's never our intention to inconvenience our best customers." I wonder if customer service reps have been reading too many Dilbert comic strips. Scott Adams couldn't have come up with a better line. This was part of...

I mailed three envelopes at the post office this evening. Inside each was an application for four tickets to attend tapings of Wheel of Fortune when the show comes to Denver. My 10-year old son's favorite show is Wheel of...

Questions to Ponder
I came across an article, Questions to Ponder, that I wrote a few years ago. Sometimes, we need to let our silliness come out, even if it's in the privacy of our own mind. In the silliness is buried truth...

I attended a coaching workshop this past weekend where one of the themes was declaring our breakdowns—the place where we know we are incompetent. Everyone is incompetent in something. We don’t want to admit it. Especially me. I thrive on...

Belly Laugh Day is Today
I almost forgot. At 1:24pm local time today, I'll be with a coaching client, throwing up my arms to the heavens, and laughing joyously. How do I know that? Today is Belly Laugh Day. I blogged about this previously and...

A Few Cool Things
I wanted to share a few cool things on the Internet that I've discovered recently. I'm usually a late adopter in new technology. The fact that I've discovered these things before my parents means I'm making progress on the geek...

Bruce Mau on Growth
I'm still de-cluttering. In pile of papers that have been in the corner of my office for the last year, I ran across "An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth" by Bruce Mau. According to his website, his design studio works with...

Charlie Brown and inboxes
Before I forget, I want to pass on two things that have given me great pleasure. One of them I had planned on blogging about over the holiday season. My husband is a piano teacher extraordinaire and one of his...

Competence, Balance, and Impact
A friend emailed me, confirming my order for a facial cleanser that she sells as part of a direct marketing company (think Mary Kay). She then remarked that she has much more energy for this work, where she runs her...