Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living

Life Lessons

Expiration Dates

On New Year’s Day, I felt the urge to de-clutter. The spark hit me as I opened up the door to the medicine cabinet. Expiration dates are a great thing. They give you an excuse to throw something out, even...
six questions

Six Questions for the New Year

I love to steal. Good ideas, that is. At the inflection point of a new year, I see all kinds of great exercises from fellow coaches on summarizing this past year and setting goals for the new year. My thanks...

What to Do With Bad News

Bad news seems to travel in packs, like wild dogs that leap out from the bushes of my consciousness with only a slight wimpering to warn me. Right before Christmas, I heard from a sister-in-law that her mother had had...

The Worst Day of the Year

I love how blogging spreads ideas and brings them back in new form. A few weeks ago, I had a posting about Laughter Yoga--gatherings for the sole purpose of laughing together. An official Laughter Yoga Leader, Elaine Helle, emailed me...

Beauty of the Season

One of the joys of the season are the beautiful cards I receive--both traditional and e-cards. Here's one that I received recently, created by an artist/graphic designer friend, Marie Carija. Visit her website to see more of her vibrant work....

Great Adventures

I'm reading another book, "The Sound of Paper" by Julia Cameron, who is best known for the bible on creativity, "The Artist's Way." "The Sound of Paper" is about nourishing our creative muse, especially when we have gone on vacation,...

The Meaning of Love

I'm almost finished reading Viktor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning. Here' s a quote from the book I want to share: "Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality. No...

Celebrate the Journey

I grew up playing the flute and became fairly accomplished in high school. I have played off and on as an adult, never getting past my peak as a teenager in technique, but steadily developing a more sensitive ear and...

What I Learned from the ICF Conference

A couple of weeks ago, I posted on the Coactive Network a message about what I learned from the International Coach Federation conference. Here's the link: http://coactivenetwork.com/webx?128@115.iM3JaaYelUO.5@.3c413dab. Scroll down and click on the option to show all the messages in...

The Creative Habit

I'm almost finished with a book by Twyla Tharp, "The Creative Habit." It's a great book for understanding the creative process, which Tharp says depends on, of all things, structure. If you are yearning to have more creativity in your...