Yesterday, I was marveling at how many resources I have in my life to support me. My number one supporter, no surprise, is my husband, followed closely by my sons and extended family (siblings, parents, in-laws). I also have allies and mentors in my life who help me with everything from figuring out where I should focus on my business to keeping me grounded on the big questions in life to celebrating my successes to brainstorming with me on new ideas for services and products. I feel really blessed.
I'm hoping this blog can provide you with resources as well. Here are a few resources that I've collected recently, geared to what seems to be needed in these interesting times:
- Free Webinar on April 6 with Kenny Moore: "Professional, Personal and Spiritual Wisdom for Managing Change in Turbulent Times." Kenny has more wisdom in his pinkie finger than most people have in a lifetime, having been a monk for 15 years followed by a long stint reporting to the head of one of the largest energy companies in North America. I've known Kenny for the better part of a decade and always, when I talk to him, I learn something new. Click here to register.
Free Personal Branding Assessement: 360Reach. I've used this assessment with coaching clients and for myself. It's an eye-opener to find out how people think of you, whether or not you've done much self-discovery or thinking about what makes you unique. Previously, this assessment was offered at about $30 (a bargain at that price.) William Arruda, the founder and pioneer in the field of personal branding, has just released a free 15-day trial. Click here for more info. After figuring out what your brand is, read an article by Pamela Slim on Amping Up Your Personal Brand.
108-page Workbook: Essentially You@Work: A Career Transition Guide. The author is Shawn Snelgrove, a coaching colleague and friend who is one of the most creative people I know. She describes the workbook as "a fresh, creative approach to career exploration, transition, and self-discovery….with over 500 resources, exercises, and tools." I previewed the first chapter online and it's good stuff. For under $30, you'll have a whole new toolkit. Click here for for more info.
- Marci Alboher's new blog, Working The New Economy. Marci was previously the NYT blogger for Shifting Careers. She's also the author of one of my favorite books, One Person/Multiple Careers
(for those of you like me, who can't choose just one thing to do for a living.) This new blog is focused on "tools of the new workforce, the mindset you need to succeed, and the nuts and bolts of how to make various moves." Marci provides well-researched posts with insightful commentary, on topics that are always relevant.
- NYT article: Ways to Help a Friend Survive a Job Search. This resource, unfortunately is needed more and more these days (WSJ headline today: Jobless Rate Hits 8.5%.)
And finally, for something completely different, if finding your way is via Paris, France but you have less than the metro fare in your checking account, try your luck with a raffle for an all expense paid trip for two, to benefit the The Children's Museum of Denver. Click here to find out more.
Let me know if you take advantage of any of these resources and if so, how it is helping you find your way in today's world.