The Power of Awe

If you’re like most people, there never seems to be enough time. Photo by deux-chi
But according to new research, people who were primed to feel awe had a stronger belief that there was enough time to get things done. (And all along, you thought it was a better time management system that would be the answer. Mind over matter.)
Read more in the second posting of a short Wall Street Journal column, about how “feeling a sense of awe causes people feel less rushed and impatient–and, at least briefly, happier about their lives.”
I think that’s why certain videos go viral–they create a sense of awe and a feel good state. Like this one that was pointed out by Dan Pink, who found out about it from Seth Godin.
And here’s what is truly extraordinary. We can find things to be in awe of, each and every day. Whether it’s how much your kids grew over the summer, or the fact that your 90-year old grandmother still walks everywhere or how the Internet has transformed our lives over the last decade, there’s a lot to be in awe of. If you are still stumped, look on YouTube.
Let’s have some fun and declare this coming week, A Week of Awe.
Tell me in your comments about your moments of awe.