Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Cool Things I HAVE to Share
Every once in awhile, something evokes a *true* OMG moment. A product or service that makes you smile, from ear to ear. Here are things that have made me jump for joy recently: Undo Send on Gmail. Oops! How many...

When The Universe Conspires to Get Your Butt in Gear
It's been awhile since I've blogged here. Okay, that's an understatement. It's been a heckuva long time. Months. (My Gremlin would like me to capitalize that word, underline in red and highlight in bright pink. I'm ignoring him.) I had...

The Many Faces of Entrepreneurs
Last night, I hosted a networking group, Coolest Women We Know. As part of the evening, I facilitated three women telling their stories of being an entrepreneur. It's one of my favorite things to do, uncovering wisdom through stories. The...

Tears of Joy in a Flower Shop
Sometimes, a touchstone from the past can give us both joy and comfort in the present. This past week, I was in Chicago for business. Afterward, I rode the train from Chicago to Evanston, the town where my alma mater,...

It’s About the Impact, Stupid.
One of my favorite sayings is, "The Universe gives you exactly what you need, when you need it, and no sooner." A few days ago, I received just that. Photo by dsearls Someone who had taken my Networking Naturally Program...

Where Good Ideas Come From: Boundary Crossers!
I'm being a bit flip with the title of Steven Johnson's newest book, Where Good Ideas Come From. Honestly, I loved the book. Here's what I wrote about the book, using the Reading List application on LinkedIn: "I love this...

Joy of (Re-)Connecting
Part of the beauty of communities is that once formed, the bonds can remain between members in the community for a long time. Over the years, I've played with the concept of virtual communities, through this blog and another blog...

Ready to learn how to network with ease and less stress? Join me for Networking Naturally in Washington, DC, March 10, 6pm: http://alumni.northwestern.edu/nndc . Sponsored by the Northwestern Club of DC. Open to the public. See what past participants have...

Inspiration on a Monday Morning
I like to say that the Universe brings you exactly what you need, and no sooner. The last few weeks have been frenetic as an entrepreneur, feeling that there's too much to do and not enough time to do it...