Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Why I Love Being a Boundary Crosser
In my recent interview with Dan Pink for the Northwestern Club of Colorado, we covered a number of topics: from why persistence trumps talent (to which I chimed in that persistence/commitment also trumps passion), to why an education guru under...

Falling In Love….With Improv
Ever since I took two theatre improv workshops a few weeks ago, I've had this fascination and excitement inside. It's a bit like falling in love. Things seem new again. My creative juices look for the "Yes, and..." (instead of "Yes,...

Do You Know the Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon?
Most entrepreneurs know they need to be heads down, focused, in order to achieve their goals. And along the way they see the value of having their ducks in a row---whether it's identifying who they are trying to attract or...

March 8 Career Event With Daniel Pink
Sorry for the long absence and the late notice. For those of you who are in the Denver area, don't miss this chance to see Dan Pink speak on March 8 at 6:30pm. Click here to register. If you've been...

March 8 Career Event + Books Worth Reading
For those of you in the Denver area, please join me on March 8 for a special evening with Dan Pink, author of A Whole New Mind. I'll interview Dan on the topic of "Career Success in the New Decade."(BTW--I've...

Instantaneous Movements, Mobile Rising, and Data Streams
In the 90's, I read a change management book called Managing At the Speed of Change, which later became a classic in the field. In this new decade, someone needs to write a book called "Living at the Speed of...

Stones into Schools
I recently finished the sequel to NYT best-seller, Three Cups of Tea. I was not disappointed. Reading Greg Mortenson's newest book, Stones Into Schools is like spending time with an old friend--laughing and crying and smiling all in the course...

Part 3, Brains on Fire: Interview with Spike Jones
"Everybody wants to be a part of something bigger than themselves." --Spike Jones As a new fan of Brains on Fire and their terrific blog, I experienced how BOF taps into the human desire to belong to something bigger than...

Gingerbread House, Christmas 2009
Thought you would enjoy seeing my friend Bill's annual gingerbread house, that he creates with this teen/young adult kids. It's a family holiday tradition for him and his kids. When was the last time you had this much fun playing...