Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Learning from the Fashionistas
See this interview with Patricia Handschiegel for tips and examples of great networking and community-building. I found her advice to be so on target, not only for ABV but also for entrepreneurship in general, that I posted on my other...

More Signs of the Changing Landscape
The world as the digital immigrant knew it growing up is changing. Rapidly. Recent news items that illustrate continuing trends: Waning Power of Traditional Media Starting next year, U. S. News will cut back its publishing schedule, from once a...

Learning from the Fashionistas
Patricia Handschiegel, founder of social media company, StyleDiary.net, was recently interviewed about building a business. The interview is packed with great advice for entrepreneurs--following your passion, being your own best customer by solving a problem that you are personally experiencing,...

I'm just finishing reading the book, Encore by Marc Freedman. In addition to being a writer on the role of aging baby boomers in society, Freedman is a social entrepreneur. The subtitle of his book is "Finding Work that Matters...

Overflowing on a Summer Evening
As a follow-up to my last post about working from heart as well as head, I've been blessed to see role models in action. I recently attended a party where the host works completely from the heart, in the business...

Case Study: Edwina Froehlich
Edwina Froelich may not be household name, but millions of mothers who have nursed a child, have been influenced by her wisdom. Edwina died recently and her community lives on, in the form of La Leche League International. A Wall...

Good to Great = Letting Go of Control
This post from the WSJ is a familiar story: Passionate entrepreneur starts a company, grows the biz to where what made them successful starting out is now a liability. Hires a president to run the company and scale it. Founder...

Working with Head and Heart
The Universe must be trying to tell me something. While I am adept at using both head and heart in working with clients, I've failed miserably with my family. After the second blow-up with a family member in less than...

Taking the Time to Be Nice
I recently ordered online a birthday gift for my son. In the order form, there was a field for company name. I put in "self-employed ." A few minutes after submitting my order, I received this email from the owner...