Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Cause Agnostic
Since starting this project six months ago, I've been drawn into many different worlds, including those of social entrepreneurs, book authors, non-profits, serial entrepreneurs, public policy activists. It can be hard to keep my bearings for what to focus on,...

Women in Engineering
I'm always pleased when I can introduce friends to each other. This podcast interview with two friends, who I know from my days at U S WEST and Avaya, is an example of what can happen. Terry Morreale interviews Sarah...

The Mark of a Community-Builder
My friend, Shirley Anderson, host of the Coaching Salon, is one of the people I consider to be a great community builder. Shirley brings together coaches three times a month to learn about all things related to coaching--from building a...

I Owe My Sanity to Fairy Cards or How Taking a Vacation is Easier Than You Think
Lately, I’ve been feeling like there’s always one more thing on my list that needs to get done. Friday evening comes and I look forward to getting caught up on the weekend—the emails that I’ve neglected, the blog postings that...

Bottom Up vs. Top Down
I finally got it the other day when someone said that A Bigger Voice is about creating change from the bottom up. It used to be that change could only come from the top down or required a massive organizational...

Improv Wisdom
I've fallen in love with a gem of a book, Patricia Ryan Madson's Improv Wisdom. Madson is a retired professor of drama at Stanford University, with lots of credits in the areas of improv and creativity. Less than 150 pages,...

What Would You Say At the End of Your Life?
Two years ago, I did a series of interviews with Ilene Kouzel, a friend dying of ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. The inteviews eventually were packaged into episodes for a podcast, Conscious Living, Conscious Leaving. Ilene loved to...

Power with Participants, Community Managers, and Social Networking
Click here for a great interview with Forrester analyst, Jeremiah Owyang on trends in social media and lessons in online community-building. As Jeremiah points out at the beginning of the interview, the "power is shifting to the participants." Other nuggets:...

Startup School
A friend points me to this set of presentations from Startup School, a place for techies to learn about building a company from the ground up, from some of the stars in the high-tech biz. While I'm no longer a...

Community Building Through Contests, Breakfasts, Interactive Radio
Johnny Bunko leads the way again. I previously blogged about Dan Pink's effective roll out of his manga business book. Visiting the official site, I found that Pink is taking a hybrid approach to building community--using online contests and in-person...