Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Conversations with Myself
I came across a wonderful quote from the book, Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott: "All conversations are with myself, and sometimes they involve other people." This makes me think of a recent conversation with a stranger, who seemingly was in...

I talked with my friend, Kenny Moore, today. He's a gifted writer and speaker, a keen observer of life, with the humor of Will Rogers and the compassion of Mother Teresa. Kenny sends out a quarterly article, about what he's...

Be A Little More Foolish
I'm traveling this week and while I'm out of town, I'm publishing favorite stuff from other writers. I received an article from my friend, Tama Kieves, who advises us all to be a little more foolish. Read on: Every Hero...

Leader Coaching Circle
In response to what I've been seeing in my clients and hearing about workplaces over the last couple of years, I'm offering a group coaching program for mid-level managers, Leader Coaching Circles. The bar keeps getting raised. Yet the email...

Purpose Inside Large Companies
A friend emailed me this article about how difficult it is to work with purpose inside large companies. I like to think that I can make a difference in this arena with the executive coaching I do. But I also...

Branding Boundary Crossers
I emailed William Arruda about my work with Boundary Crossers. He's the founder of Reach Communications, a personal branding consultancy. He built his expertise in branding at places like Ogilvy and now applies it to successful individuals who want to...

The Power of Podcasting
I received an email last week from Karole Sutherland, a listener of my podcast, Leading With a Whole New Mind. This podcast consists of interviews with whole brain thinkers: “Thanks for not only doing the interviews, but also for making...

Public vs. Private
In raising my sons, I've tried to impress upon them that habits formed in the privacy of our home can easily become unconscious habits in public. So for example, one son, who shall be unnamed, often eats with his mouth...

In many ways, globalization is a good thing. The cost of many goods, manufactured or designed overseas, has decreased. We have lots more choices in the stores than ten years ago. Yet globalization is also creating expectations for employees of...