Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Change Is Hard
A friend sent me recent article from the Washington Post on change, based on a journal paper from the American Academy of Family Physicians. The "Stages of Change" model describes five stages that people go through before making a successful...

Ilene Kouzel Scholarship
The Ilene Kouzel Scholarship for Diversity in Leadership has just been established in honor of my friend, who died of ALS last October. The scholarship is intended to help fund participants of the Coaches Training Institute Co-Active Leadership program. More...

Dream Shrinkage
I received an email from a new client. I had asked him to fill out a form with a series of questions like, "If life were as good as it gets, what's there?" These questions help the client express his...

Horse Sense
Last December, I was part of a demo on Equine Assisted Learning--a method for teaching individuals and teams about themselves with the use of horses. It's fascinating work. I became interested in learning more when Debbie Stjernholm, the owner of...

Podcast Programs
It's been nearly nine months since I launched my two iTunes podcasts, Leading With A Whole New Mind and Live Action Coaching. A couple of observations: I'm enjoying interviewing others for the Leading With A Whole New Mind podcast. Sometimes,...

Seth Godin has a great posting on "sheepwalking." It reminds me of a conversation with my husband on how employees in large institutions follow policy, not because it's the right thing to do for the customer (in fact, often, it's...

Yertle the Turtle
My 11-year old son wants a pet. After my husband talked about the expense and work of having a dog, he settled for a turtle. I asked him to do research on the Internet about turtle care. It's the engineer...

Crossing a Mathematician With A Sociologist
Seth Godin points to a great blog that he just discovered from one of his blog readers. It's created by a clever woman (most likely a scientist or engineer) who uses Venn diagrams and X-Y graphs to describe how we...

International Coaching Week
It's International Coaching Week, as proclaimed by the International Coach Federation (ICF). And as part of the festivities, ICF has just released preliminary findings from a global survey of 6,000 coaches, conducted last fall, on the coaching profession. I've been...