Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

What I Know Now About Being Self-Employed
About once a year, since I started my business, I’ve written an article about what I’m learning in this journey of being self-employed. I recently came across a wise saying from Dan Sullivan, aka The Strategic Coach : “Make your...

My Life in a Pack of Cards
I just had the hard drive on my laptop replaced. After the Geeks on Call guy was finished, he gave me the old hard drive. It's no bigger than a thin pack of playing cards. When I saw how small...

A Few Confessions
Okay, like the title says, I have a few confessions to make. I rarely read other blogs. When I was starting up my blog, I had gotten the clear message from different people that it was a good thing to...

The Smell of Fresh Bread
Last week, I was in a local bakery, a franchisee for Great Harvest Bakery Company. They are known for giving out fresh slices of warm bread and making available butter for slathering on. It’s a great way to make a...

It’s All Made Up
Try this out. Find a quiet place. Get comfortable and relaxed. With pen and paper handy, Imagine that your annual salary is $5K. How do you feel and what are your thoughts? Now imagine that your salary is $25K. How...

Love in the Workplace
I just finished the book, Love is the Killer App by Tim Sanders. Sanders talks about love in the business world, lovecats, and bizmates. While I couldn’t always go with the language (and I’ve been out of Corporate America for...

Coming Around
“It’s your destiny to do this work. You are the complete package.” My coach wrote this in an email to me today. She is talking about work that I had largely abandoned after I left my last corporate gig (Avaya),...

Working Identity
I just finished the book, “Working Identity” by Herminia Ibarra. The author was on the faculty of Harvard Business School for many years and in her research on how young professionals advance or don’t advance in up-or-out firms (e.g., consulting...

When Reality Intrudes…..
I’ve been wanting to write about getting old. I see the signs that I’m not 25 or 30 anymore and I don’t like it. I look in the mirror and see more white mixed in with my thick dark hair....