Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living

Life Lessons

Using Social Media To Grow Your Movement

I was inspired by my friend, Sally Spencer-Thomas with her blog post, "Five Things You Can Do With Social Media to Prevent Suicide and Promote Mental Health". A psychologist and teacher turned non-profit CEO, Sally is part of a vibrant...

What It Takes to Be a Provocateur

Great TEDx talk by David Rock, co-founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute, on what it takes to be a provocateur, and how schools can play a part in developing more of them:  

Great advice from management guru and well-known curmudgeon, Tom Peters, on "Living Life to the Hilt": http://www.tompeters.com/dispatches/012224.php Yes, yes, and yes! Especially appreciate the point about "throwing yourself headlong and without reserve into what you were most passionate about—and then...

Just had a client ask when our next appt is, because she didn't want to log on to her work email. Hooray for disconnecting from work and taking time to reconnect to other things that matter in our lives. I'm...

Hidden Benefits of Being a Follower

This blog is about how to make your thought leadership more visible, to do good in the world.  But sometimes, it pays to be a follower, not a leader.  Let me explain.  Last year, I looked for affordable technology that...

Three Books (and More) for the New Year

Fresh start.  Clean slate.  Literally a new year.  I recently read three books that seem oh-so-appropriate for the start of a new year: The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander.  My third time reading this book,...

Healthy Wholeness

Happy New Year!  At the beginning of each year, I pick a theme for myself, as a way to set my intentions.  In 2011, my theme was "Letting Go to Grow". While painful at times, it was exactly what I...

What I Take for Granted

Being an entrepreneur in the US never looked so easy.  I loved a blog post by entrepreneur and Fast Company columnist, Alicia Morga, about her trip to Azerbaijan because it showed me what I have taken for granted for so...

How well are you listening to your inner voice? I received an email from a friend this morning with just the words I needed to hear: "It’s so easy (too easy) to get swept away in the momentum of a...

The Voice of a Friend

Yesterday, I was talking to a new blogger about "finding your voice" and the ability to "put yourself out there."  When I am doing my best writing, it's personal. I am having an honest conversation with myself.  I'm comfortable having...