Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living

Life Lessons

Will You Join Me in Chicago on July 19?

I recently sent an email with the subject line, "Will You Join Me in Chicago on July 19?" to people who have attended my webinars and workshops over the last few years. The body of the email detailed a meetup...

100 Days and 5 Minutes To Spread Beauty Across the Miles

I wandered into a treasure trove of beauty today, when I went to this fine art photographer's site, davidleaser.com, and found stunning pictures of flowers.  The best part is that he makes his photographs available as free e-cards! 100 spectacular...

Summer Solstice Virtual Party on June 20

Every year, in honor of the longest day of the year, a friend throws a Summer Solstice party.  It’s a wonderful reason to get together—a backyard celebration with food, music, and good conversation.   And now, in a digital world, where...

Being Well-Used

This morning I had a phone conversation with a college friend.  It's been decades since we lived down the hall from each other in the dorm. Both of our careers have evolved in ways that we couldn't have imagined when...

The Road to Recovery, One Year Later

I feel different today than I did a year ago. It's not just that I'm a year older.  I'm a decade wiser.  Unfortunately, the price of wisdom is often a painful life experience.  In my case, it was hitting burn...

Moments of the Divine, In Your Own Backyard

Backyards have a special place in my heart. My backyard serves as a refuge, an every day sanctuary from the outside world. Literally on the other side of the fence, is a public sidewalk, a well-trafficked street, and the entrance...

Making Better Use of Your Brain

After my experience with burnout last summer, I've had a fascination with how the brain works.  At my lowest point last year, I could feel how limited my capacity was to take in new information.  I can still remember one...

You know a word is overused when it becomes part of someone's Twitter handle, as in @janesmithrocks. Whatever happened to imagination and creative writing?

Why Management Guru, Tom Peters, Responded to My Tweet

Not long ago, I read a post on Tom Peter’s blog that I enjoyed, where one of his points was the futility of planning ahead.  I tweeted about it, referencing the blog post: @tom_peters advice for Living Life to the...

Part 2: A New Roadmap to Building Something Big and Lasting

The startup phase is tricky, because we can fool ourselves that we are making progress, when we are not. This is one of the many lessons I'm taking away from the book, The Lean Startup.  This is the second part...