Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Fresh Ideas for Job Search, Managing Your Career, and Starting a Business
After reading the book, Where Good Ideas Come From, I'm convinced that fresh ideas come from showing up in new places. (BTW--I highly recommend the book.) If you are in Denver, join me on February 10 at 6pm, for "To...

Videos That Teach Us About Ourselves
When I can learn something about myself, it's worth the time and effort it takes. It's especially valuable when I can do it, just by watching a short video. Videos worth sharing..... Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, talks about why...

Doing Good in the World
Sometimes, people think of doing good in the world as a big splashy project with lofty goals and wide visibility. Photo by teamstickergiant. In reality, doing good, and having an impact, has more to do with a consistent effort over...

Not yet ready to retire but not sure what's next? I'm moderating a webinar on Encore Careers for the Northwestern Club of Colorado on Jan 18 at 5pm MT. Open to the public. For details and registration: http://bit.ly/hmqDeM

Encore Webinar on January 18
I'm moderating a webinar on Encore Careers for the Northwestern University Club of Colorado on January 18 at 5pm Mountain Time. This event is open to the public. Registration closes the morning of Jan 18. See below for more information:...

Wisdom from PostSecret
If you've never visited the blog, PostSecret, do. It gives a glimpse into our humanity that is rarely seen or felt, in such a visceral way. Photo by Foxtongue My friend, Sally Spencer-Thomas, recently saw the founder of PostSecret, Frank...

How a Community Pioneered a New Way of Funding Cancer Research
I was inspired by a blog posting, The Cause to Find Cancer Causes: Direct Funding for Cancer Research by Crowd Sourcing from Millions on Causes, written by Harvard researcher, Eric Ding. Okay, it's not a title that rolls off the...

5 Tips for Starting the New Year
I love the start of things, including a new year. The feeling of a clean slate and a sense of possibility are exciting. Photo by Robotclaw666. Here are my top 5 tips for starting off on the right foot: Set...

Holiday Greetings in a Digital World
In a digital world, the traditional Christmas card has fallen out of favor with lots of people. I still enjoy getting cards in the mail at this time of year, with a handwritten note, or even the obligatory newsletter and...