Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Living With Independence
I never realized how quickly my children would become independent. After more than seventeen years, I've grown accustomed to the idea of their permanent status in the household--small human beings that make the really good snacks disappear within 48 hours,...

Catching Up With Chris Wendel, ABV Client
Last month, I had the pleasure of meeting with Chris Wendel in Traverse City, MI. Chris and his brother, Tim, were ABV clients when we did a pilot in 2008. They are the force behind Buffalo Nation, a popular blog...

What’s Your Story?
"What you give to others, you cannot give to yourself." Those were the words spoken by Pamela Slim and Charlie Gilkey at the Lift Off retreat, a workshop for entrepreneurs that I recently attended. It puzzled me. Over the course...

Fit by Fifty
Blinding flash of the obvious:As I age, the pounds go on easier. With no changes, the bulge around my waist will only get bigger. No amount of creatively wearing clothes (loose tops, busy prints, and dark colors) will hide the...

A Mother’s Love
I didn't know, really know, how much I love my sons until this morning. Photo by le vent le criYesterday, my husband and I took them to the airport at 4:30am, to meet up with a group of high school...

Just saw that Jason Fried, author of the book, Rework and founder of 37Signals, will be on a free webinar on July 29. Sign up at: http://bit.ly/9yZEmS . I reviewed his book on this blog last week--loved it!

Aligning Online Behavior With the Real World
This lucid and insightful presentation gives the clearest explanation I've seen on why the online world can be so awkward at times. I found myself taking mental notes of all the people I need to tell about this presentation, because...

Sharing the Good Stuff: Resources for Work and Life
One of the joys of having a blog is being able to share the good stuff that I find, whether it's books, blogs, classes, or videos. Here's a list of resources worth sharing, for smarter work and better living. All...

Return of That Wascally Rabbit
Four years ago, I blogged about problems with rabbits in my backyard and my failed attempts at getting rid of them. Photo by peet-astn.Now, it seems that life has taken an ironic turn. It always does, doesn't it?Since getting a...