Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Seth Godin on Sliced Bread
Ideas that spread, win. That's the message that marketing guru, Seth Godin, provides in this TED talk. The question then is "How do you get your ideas to spread?" Two points that are particularly appropriate for wisdom entrepreneurs: Be remarkable. Have...

Secrets to Hiring Good People or How to Prove You’ll Be A Good Fit
Fast Company has a great article, Hold the Interview, that makes a provocative claim: When someone "interviews well" it has no correlation to how they will perform on the job. If this is true, then employers and job seekers have...

Why Commitment Trumps Passion
One of my big lessons this last year was this:Passion is not enough to change the world.That might sound strange, coming from a coach, whose job is to help people find their passion. I've met plenty of passionate people, individuals...

Happy Mother’s Day
As a Mother's Day gift for my mother-in-law, I took a jewelry box, with small square and rectangular compartments for rings and bracelets and slightly larger ones for necklaces, and turned it into a photo collage of my two sons....

Know Thyself
Q: What skill is most critical to your own and/or your company's success? I came across this question on a discussion for a LinkedIn group. I wanted to share my response with readers of this blog. A: Know thyself. Photo...

Jeremiah Owyang, Part 3: Starting and Growing a Community
"People would rather have [a] knowing they are accepted and appreciated. That's far more important than lining one's wallet...This is about the core essence of humans connecting with other humans." --Jeremiah Owyang In this last installment of my interview with...

Jeremiah Owyang, Part 2: The Nature of Communities
"When you are spearheading a movement, you are relying on the groundswell that happens within the community. The community is in charge." --Jeremiah Owyang In this second part of a three-part interview, Jeremiah Owyang talks about the nature of communities...

Advice on Careers and Business
A few places to look for good advice on your career or business: How To Hire a Career Coach from Marci Alboher's blog, Working the New Economy. Marci draws on the advice of many coaches (I know, because I was...

Interview with Jeremiah Owyang, Part 1
This is the first of a three-part interview with Jeremiah Owyang, a social computing analyst with Forrester who is an expert on building communities. While his clients are businesses using community-building to meet their business objectives, Jeremiah's wisdom can be...