Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Observations of a New Twitter User
I first heard about Twitter nearly two years ago and at the time, I didn't get it. I gave it another try last fall, after seeing Twitter in use at the Thin Air Summit by afficionados. I saw enough to...

Resources for the Times We Live In
A friend asked me to spread the word about a coaching program done by someone he knows and trusts. I rarely endorse stuff other than books, and usually only after I've read the book. However, I know that in times...

Young Entrepreneurs
Through Twitter, I'm meeting some interesting people. Two new followers are @joeldrapper and @9miles. Joel Drapper is a 15-year old blogger and web designer in the UK, home-schooled. He comes from a family of 11 kids. Yes, you read that...

Etsy: E-Commerce Meets Community
Etsy, the online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers of "all things handmade," was named to the Fast Company 50, a listing of the world's most innovative companies. An interview with the CEO by Fast Company reveals the focus on...

Enabling Social Change Through Social Media: Learning From Each Other
What happens when you put an Internet icon (Dave Taylor), a marketing expert at the crossroads of new media and old media (Dave Webb), and a digital immigrant who bridges top down with bottom up approaches (Kim Dority) on a...

Tom Peters: Innovation is Easy!
Found this fun video of Tom Peters, from a tweet by @ellennaylor who found it from a blogger, @plish. (Love how that works.) Key messages: Being remarkable is about being original--originally you. Don't follow the pack. Take the lead. Hang...

Enabling Social Change Through Social Media: A Bibliography
New to social media and wisdom entrepreneurship and wondering how to move up the learning curve faster? I'll be part of a presentation on enabling social change through social media. The audience is a group of Regis University students who...

What’s Missing in Career Advice and How Twitter is Your Research Tool
Walter Akana has a great post today on Building Community for Career Success. He makes the point that opportunities come from people who trust you and trust is fostered in communities. So start focusing on community-building (both online, through places...

Three Cups of Tea
I just finished the book, Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. Dave, my friend from Traverse City and a partner in crime on spreading the word about A Bigger Voice, had seen Mortenson speak last...