Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Power Chicks in Houston
I was in Houston last week to work with a group of budding wisdom entrepreneurs--members of a women's networking group, lovingly known as the Power Chicks. (There was also one Power Dude, as you'll see from the following videos.) At...

Cool Things
With the Internet, sharing cool things is so much easier. A few cool things I've stumbled upon or which others have brought to my attention:Cool article Bright Ideas for Dark Days. Article about how some companies in the UK are...

Dan Pink: Finding New Ways to Connect to Community
I'm a big fan of Daniel Pink's work and discovered him when I read his book, A Whole New Mind, several years ago. Since then, I've been following what he's been up to via his blog. You might even say...

David Kelley, Advocate for A Whole New Mind
Just read Fast Company's interview with David Kelley, co-founder of the design firm, Ideo. This quote from Kelley, which could have come right out of the book, A Whole New Mind, jumped out at me:"My contribution is to teach as...

25 Random Thoughts
Riffing off of the recent meme on "25 Random Things About Me," and not having a clear idea of what I wanted to blog about but knowing that much has gone on since I last posted, I'm trying out "25...

Twitter’s Community of Super Bowl Fans
For a fascinating look at the Twitter conversation among people watching the Super Bowl, click here. My thanks to @jowyang for pointing to the site in his Twitter feed. The technology is now able to capture "communities of the moment,"...

Resources for the Wisdom Entrepreneur
A few resources that I recommend: NCWIT Entrepreneurial Toolbox Interview Series. Designed to promote fundamental skills of entrepreneurship, the audio series is sponsored by the National Center for Women and Information Technology Entrepreneurial Alliance . The series interviews both men...

Tools for Transition and Change
Transitions and change seem to be the centerpiece of my conversations these days. Friends and clients taking buy out packages, clients deciding to follow a new path out of lucrative profession and into the unknown, a colleague shuttering an office...

25 Random Things About Me
I was recently tagged on Facebook by a friend to write down "25 random things, facts, habits or goals about me." I lost my first list, trying to figure out how to use the notes feature on Facebook and tag...