Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

If You Want to Grow Your Career, Grow Your Community
That's the title of an event that I'll be facilitating for Asian-American women on Sept 21 in Denver. We'll be looking at how to network in a meaningful and natural way, what the participants know about success and failure in...

Ambient Awareness, Twitter, and Eco-Systems
Two people pointed me to this blog posting about Twitter and how it creates "ambient awareness" of each other. Actually, the posting is an excerpt from a New York Times Magazine article published on Sept 7. What I notice is...

New Episodes of Conscious Living, Conscious Leaving
Two new episodes of the Conscious Living, Conscious Leaving podcast, "Choosing the Bigger Story," and "Joy and the Greater Good," are now available. This brings the number of episodes available to eight, with another ten episodes in the pipeline. For...

Founder of Flickr on Community
A quote from Stewart Butterfield, founder of Flickr:"A lot of our success came from George, the lead designer, and Caterina. Both of them spent a lot of time in the early days greeting individual users as they came in, encouraging...

A New Blogger in the Family
I've been the sole blogger in the family (underground bloggers excepted--you never know.) Until now. Ryan, my 24-year old nephew just started blogging about his new adventure, a year in downtown Oakland, as part of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. His...

Traverse City on Sept 18
I'll be in Traverse City, Michigan on September 18 to lead a discussion about social entrepreneurship. My hosts will be Marguerite Cotto, from Northwest Michigan College and Elaine Wood, from the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments. Both of these women...

Jet Lag
I use a prep form with my clients that helps them summarize what's happened since we last met. It also helps them focus the conversation for our coaching session. I use the form myself, when meeting with my coach. One...

The Grace of Tony’s Mom
Yesterday was the start of a three-day weekend, yet my 13-year old son was glum. My husband had asked me to talk to our son, after getting a face that was ready to burst into tears when discussing of all...

A Cause Without a Community Means…?
Our first guest blog posting comes from Dave Murphy, who I first collaborated with on the Conscious Living, Conscious Leaving project. Dave has been a sounding board for A Bigger Voice since I started fleshing out the idea late in...