Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Wisdom on Living Replaces Workplace Tchochke
In past postings, I've mentioned Randy Paugh, the Carnegie-Mellon professor dying of pancreatic cancer and the phenomenon of his last lecture. I was intrigued recently when I received an email from a friend who said this: "My manager showed this...

How Signing Up for a 401K Can Be Fun
This YouTube posting, in the format of a movie trailer, provides an interesting example of how Best Buy is using new media to connect with their employees and engage them in something pretty dry—signing up for a 401K. This relates...

Helpers on Our Journey
In my work with A Bigger Voice, I'm using the Hero's Journey to understand the elements of a client's story. When interviewing a client, one of the questions that comes up is this: "Who were the helpers?" It has increased...

The End of the School Year or How I’d Rather Have a Root Canal Than Endure Another May
We’re in the home stretch. The awards ceremonies, choir and band concerts, and field days have come and gone. The seniors have graduated and finals are half over. Textbooks have been turned in and yearbooks have been passed out. Math...

Anatomy of a Boundary Crosser
In a written interview with boundary crosser, Karl Iagnemma, I found some great quotes that speak directly to what it's like to operate in multiple worlds. Iagnemma is a robotics researcher at MIT as well as an award-winning fiction writer....

The Scarcity of Hybrids
I previously posted about the power of hybrids--how "both/and" thinking takes the conversation to a new place and how vibrant communities, where a many viewpoints are put forth, are ideally suited to take create hybrids. Jeremiah Owyang has a great...

Crossing Between Cultures and Races
A friend points me to this article about a woman who grew up in both American Indian and white worlds. Lots of wisdom that seems to be ripe for cross pollinating between the two worlds. I have said very little...

Talent Well-Used
Three cases of talent being well-used: My niece, Taylor, is in high school. She's wired to think logically, do in-depth research, and articulate well-formed arguments. (Comes from my brother--who has a keen memory and at times, a sharp tongue.) This...

Update on ABV Pilot
We're just about half-way through the ABV pilot. A few thoughts from working with four consultants and three clients: Each time you tell your story, something new comes out. As I listen to clients tell their story multiple times, first...