Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

A Bigger Voice
In November 2007, I blogged about my experience at the Dreaming Room, talking about the process of dreaming and manifesting the dream, but not what the dream is for me. It's taken me longer than I thought to flesh out...

Mitchell Ashley has a great post about the word, flourish--it's many meanings and how it relates to leadership in companies. After reading the post, I've concluded that flourish is an attitude, a mindset. Some people have it and as a...

Forget the Latte, Take the HOV Lane
Most days, I'm lucky to have a 30-second commute, down a couple flights of stairs to my home office. Recently, I had to be cross town first thing in the morning, in the south part of Denver, making my commute...

How Can I Support You?
This is a question that is often forgotten in networking. Like the proverbial neighbor who borrows one too many cups of sugar, your relationships will suffer if the giving is always in one direction. I've found most people are more...

Creating Focus from Overwhelm
This blog posting by social networking analyst, Jeremiah Owyang, gives a great inventory of web-based tools that are available today, many of which weren't around five or even three years ago. The list is overwhelming. And it underscores why it's...

Using Technology to Get Out the Vote
This Fast Company article by top blogger, Robert Scoble, shows how the presidential candidates are using a mix of technologies to reach different audiences, and to turn those into votes. The concept applies whether you are creating a community of...

We’re All Bozos on the Bus
Perfection is the enemy of our humanity. Lately, I've been wondering if I can do it all, be creative enough, and keep it together, at least until I've gotten off the phone with the last client. Can I be wise...

Laughing, Life and Work, and Listening
A few events coming up: Jan 24, 1:24pm local time, Global Belly Laugh Day, Check out the site for laughter yoga leader, Elaine Helle for additional info. I interviewed Elaine a couple of years ago for my podcast, Leading With...

It Takes Two Minds to Tango
I recently attended a friend's 50th birthday party, held at the Mercury Cafe, an eclectic restaurant and dance club in Denver. We had not seen each other since my 40th birthday party, six years ago (held at the not-so-eclectic, very-little-dancing-ever-goes-on...