Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Selling Housewares is Alot More Interesting These Days
I recently received a Crate and Barrel catalogue in the mail. I've been a customer for years, even since I lived in Chicago and visited their first couple of stores. Usually, there are clean looking dishes or bright colored pillows...

Advertising’s Whole New Mind
I couldn't help but smile at this article from Fast Company, where the front photo had arrows pointing to two men, one labeled "Right Brain" and the other labeled "Left Brain." The article is about how a top ad agency,...

Internal Measures of Success
My sons, 12 and 14 years old, will be the last of their friends to get a cell phone. The 12 year old's friends use their cell phones to make crank calls to pizza places and girls they know. (While...

How to Avoid Regret
A great post by Seth Godin on not waiting for the opportune moment to start something. Now is the best time that you'll ever have. I see this waiting game played in companies. We'll work on this really important thing...

Expand First, Monetize Second
This post by Seth Godin touches on an important point of A Bigger Voice: The expansion of the voice to create a community is important to focus on before monetizing the voice. This doesn't preclude one from monetizing. Godin sells...

Things That Make My Heart Race
My kids go back to school this week. Last month's end of the semester, combined with the December holiday events, seem far away, the frenetic energy a faded memory. Except for this conversation one morning, while dropping the kids off...

Piano Lessons That Last a Lifetime
The sign of a great community is one that lasts a lifetime. That's what I observed when I accompanied my husband to a celebration of his piano teacher's 65th birthday. Patricia Chen has been teaching piano for decades. She's one...

The Whole Package
A Fast Company profile of Shana Fisher, senior VP of strategy and mergers and acquisitions for Barry Diller's conglomerate, IAC, caught my eye with these words: "...she triple-majored in sculpture, philosophy, and linguistics. But her budding art career ...took a...

Quitting for the Right Reason
Quitting can be hard. I'm not talking about quitting smoking or some other addiction, although that's no walk in the park either. I'm talking about quitting something you've started, something that was once a part of a dream. This can...