Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living
Life Lessons

Motto Magazine and Tips from Coaches
I'm enjoying the newest issue of Motto magazine. The magazine's tagline is "Purpose, Passion, and Profit." To give you a flavor of the magazine, think Fast Company meets Body and Soul. The May/June issue has a cover story on 50...

Asia and Abundance
In A Whole New Mind, Dan Pink talks about Asia and Abundance as two factors making the creative right brain capabilities more valuable. Asia, where many jobs have migrated to, is becoming a place where U S households are turning...

Keeping the Channel Open
In cleaning out my office files, I came across this quote from the choreographer and dancer, Martha Graham: "There is a vitality, a life-force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action and because there is only...

Steve Jobs on Remembering Who You Are
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were interviewed at the D:All Things Digital conference last week. The press made a big deal about the two rivals appearing on stage together. The Wall Street Journal, which sponsored the conference, provided an abridged...

Herman Miller
I was in Zeeland, Michigan last month, visiting the Herman Miller company. They're the manufacturer of the Aeron chair as well as the Eames chair. Chic for the office, chic for the home. Walking into the building, I felt like...

More Story About Story
Powerful stories spread quickly, and attract money. And if I'm right that the marketing for a women's clothing company is working, stories also sell clothes. In a catalog that I received several months ago from title nine, I noticed that...

Uncommon Common Sense
Every once in awhile, I read something that makes such good common sense that it makes me wonder why it's so rare. In a Wall Street Journal interview, the soon to be retiring CEO of United Technologies, George David, talks...

The Power of Story, Part 2
In a posting earlier this year, I noted a commencement speech by Steve Jobs as an example of how powerful stories can spread like wildfire. Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported an effective marketing tool used by Wells Fargo...

What It Looks Like to Be a Boundary Crosser
Congrats to fellow boundary crosser, Ron Helman, who recently won New Mexico's version of the Grammy for Best Instrumental Performance for his CD, "Reflections of Beauty" at the 2007 New Mexico Music Awards ceremony. I first met Ron at the...